Sunday 28 March 2010

Suitable material for students ?

How Stuff Works I wonder if this web site would be good for the curious student ?
Oxfam say that if you give a starving man a fish you feed his family for a day. If you teach a starving man how to fish you feed his family for a life time.

I used to have a deaf student who could lip read in English and Cantonese, I found it all a bit mind boggling. Sometimes she did not know what a word meant, she made the mistake of asking me what a word meant, I would not answer her but I would pass her the keyboard and direct her to I helped her to help herself.


  1. That Oxfam saying is too cliched. Just tell the guy the ocean's all his.

  2. What about those that live in landlocked areas ? Some folk have never seen the ocean !
